
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What's wrong with that guy?


What a great time we had!  Thanks so much for everyone who added to the festivities....The Chefs, the Guests, the Judges, Bob Marley, Kitchen Magicians (I am grateful you made the mess vanish - YOU know who you all are!!!!) The four chefs really did a fantastic job preparing and cooking the meat.  Our Judges:  Tom. Erin, Jeff, Erika and Carolyn had the daunting task of selecting the "best of the best" and rose to the challenge! They are also responsible for the awarding the coveted "I CAN'T COOK MEAT" award, too! Hence the picture! (Where's the grillin' picture?)  Next year....some changes will be made, but overall...was a fantastic day! Love you all! 

Monday, May 26, 2008

We Shall Overcome!

There are few iconic images throughout the history of man that capture the raw emotion seen here. Needless to say, The synapses and nuerons have all ready began to spark as to how we will get retribution. All hail the trinity!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bring on the MEAT!

We're pumped too.  My husband CAN cook and has worked hard, every week, preparing new meat dishes and having to endure the critiquing of his family.  We have NO ROOM in our kitchen for THE PLAQUE! Sadly, we'll have to make room should another opponent cook meat better!  4 days away 
Yes, it's true.  The 4th chef has been badly injured and will not be participating.  However.....(hmmmmm)  there will be room for him in the competition, next year when the Trinity II takes place! 

If he becomes a judge - this could get really interesting! 

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

...would you want this on your wall?

i think not. one proud warrior will walk away with the pride of knowing that he had what it took to destroy two will walk away with the shame of having to hang this in his kitchen. i guess that leaves one other person, who will just be: "aight."

The Invite

If you didn't receive one....too late.

One minor change to the event, we have lost a chef to an injury. Not like a "sally" injury, but actually a pretty nasty hand injury. Our good wishes go out to the fallen soldier. We know if he could battle, he would. Godspeed.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday, May 9, 2008

What is the Trinity?

History - The Trinity began as a small argument between a young man and his older brother on who could grill the best meat. The argument was fueled by their uncle and his brother. It was decided...a battle must take place to determine a true champion! The Trinity was born.

The Trinity consists of three meats - lamb, pork, and beef.

After much deliberation, it has been determined that 4 competitors will go to war to determine who can cook meat the best. It's that simple, can you cook meat?

The Trinity will take place on the Saturday before Memorial day 2008. Details are still being determined, but one thing is for sure. One man will previal and one man will be shamed to carry the burden of, simply: "I can't cook meat."

More details to come in the future.